Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Madness in Hamlet

DRAFT- NOT MLA-LACKS FORMATTING/REFERENCES Hamlet-Melancholy, Madness and Sanity Hamlet, a play by William Shakespeare, is as much a mystery as a tale about depression, madness and sanity. Shakespeare reveals how the scourge of corruption and decay rapidly spread; and the emotional consequences that follow. Insanity, madness and depression are as intolerable as corruption and deceit; and just as intertwined. The play makes one ponder if it is possible to be sane in an insane world full of treachery, revenge, incest, and moral corruption?By examining the themes of melancholy, madness and sanity in Hamlet, Shakespeare details his character’s descent from depression to madness. Additionally, Hamlet’s psychological state can be analyzed by utilizing modern psychological diagnoses, in order to understand his mental state. Throughout the story, Hamlet exists in a melancholy state, â€Å"essentially not in madness, / But mad in craft† (3. 4. 204-205). Hamlet states to H oratio â€Å"as I perchance hereafter shall think meet/ To put an antic disposition on† in order to deceive the king that he is insane (Act I, Scene V, Line 190).However, was Hamlet acting or was he already mentally disturbed? Did Hamlet go mad in the end, or was Hamlet insane from the start of the play, and his mental condition only worsened as the play unfolded? The world in which Hamlet existed appears hostile. The king is a murderer; his mother the queen lusts after her deceased husband’s brother; friends spy and deceive one another; and Hamlet’s lover Ophelia literally loses touch with reality. Hamlet believes that only suicide can free him from his misery. Hamlet is not the only person struggling with depression.From the beginning, Francisco says, â€Å"’Tis bitter cold, / And I am sick at heart†. Marcellus states that â€Å"Something is rotten in the state of Denmark† (). Fear is spread by the ghost of King Claudius wandering the city streets. Reoccurring themes of corruption result in Hamlet stating â€Å"The dram of evil / Doth all the noble substance of a doubt / To his own scandal† (Shakespeare 51). One evil person can contaminate an entire kingdom. As the kingdom decays, emotional trauma increases. Hamlet concludes that the world â€Å"’Tis an unweeded garden / that grows to seed.Things rank and gross in nature / Possess it merely ( ). The weeds represent decay in a world of evil and sin. The â€Å"things† are symbolic of man and his temporary dominance over himself, his fellow man and nature. Pessimism permeates the screenplay and the reader is led to connect the dysfunction with the resulting mental states of depression that infect Hamlet. Hamlet’s psychological status can also be analyzed from a modern perspective. Today we have the diagnostic tools to identify and treat the disorders that afflicted Hamlet.Though Hamlet presents as melancholy throughout the play, there are th ree additional disorders that afflict Hamlet including post-traumatic stress disorder, schizophrenia, and bipolar depression. Three traumatic events contribute to Hamlet’s descent into madness: the death of his father, the incestuous marriage between his uncle and mother, and the discovery of his father’s murder by Claudius. These emotional traumas contributed to Hamlet suffering from what we would now diagnose as Post-traumatic stress disorder.Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is characterized by the inability to properly construct emotional appropriate responses to situations and an emotional blunting. Throughout the play, Hamlet had issues with people in his social circle. Hamlet becomes enraged with Laertes because of his dramatic sorrow over the death of Ophelia (Act V, Scene I). Soon thereafter, Hamlet realizes his reaction to Laertes was inappropriate and later apologizes to Laertes. Hamlet demonstrates impulsive behavior and lashes out at people without con sidering the ramifications.In addition to Laertes, Ophelia, Hamlet’s beloved, is also not immune to his rage. Hamlet is susceptible to highly reactive emotional responses, and suicidal ideation is mentioned throughout the play. Symptoms of PTSD often include changes in self-perception, relationship stressors, and frequently revenge fantasies. Hamlet’s emotional state deteriorates over the duration of the play. These changes include increased helplessness and the inability to make decisions as he becomes more ill. Hamlet exhibits other PTSD symptoms. Hamlet feels inferior to Fortinbras and Horatio, and in his attempts to kill Claudius.Hamlet also isolates himself and becomes more paranoid as the play progresses. Not that being paranoid would be an inappropriate emotional response to the environment he is in, but his paranoia takes over. Eventually Hamlet becomes obsessed with revenge after he is compelled by his father’s ghost to avenge his death. Symptoms of sch izophrenia also present in Hamlet. The symptoms of schizophrenia can include hallucinations, isolation from others, a loss of reality and paranoia. While berating his mother about her rapid remarriage, suddenly Hamlet begins addressing an invisible specter. â€Å"What would your gracious figure? [QUEEN] Alas, he’s mad! † (Act III, Scene IV, Line 116-117). Hamlet has visions, or hallucinations, of his dead father’s ghost. The ghost was seen once by Horatio and some guards at the start of the play, but not by anyone else. The appearance of the ghost may have been reality or a hallucination. However, the second ghost to appear, that only Hamlet could see and hear, was confirmation of Hamlet’s insanity. Schizophrenia is often symptomatic with visual, but more commonly auditory hallucinations. After the death of Hamlet’s father, Hamlet began to withdraw and became reclusive in nature.He didn’t combat be forced to leave to boarding school, he spen t less time with Ophelia, and he became very isolated. Hamlet appears to have been in the initial stages of schizophrenia where the real and unreal become blurred, but he is not yet incapacitated by his disorder prior to his murder. Perhaps if he didn’t die young the disease would have progressed. Even Polonius questioned Hamlet’s state-of-mind when he said, â€Å"How pregnant sometimes his replies are – a happiness that often madness hits on† (Act II, Scene II, Lines 213-215). Throughout the play, evidence of bipolar disorder (also known as manic depression) is identified.It is hard to distinguish if Hamlet is bipolar or having a schizophrenic break since both diseases have common behavioral features. Bipolar disorder is known for manic or escalated behaviors coupled with severe depression when the mania recedes. Manic behaviors include pressured (or rapid) speech, grandiose beliefs, insomnia, and hyper or frantic behavior, followed by periods of extreme anergic depression that is emotionally and physically debilitating. Hamlet escalates between periods of excitement and kinetic activity to states of absolute misery and unproductivity.Hamlet procrastinates, but it may be due to the depressive period he cycles in and out of. Hamlet’s soliloquies all contain themes of suicide and hopelessness (depression), but his manic states are more difficult to define. Hamlet creates a plan to prove Claudius’s guilt while justifying his own rage and revenge. When Hamlet discovers that the players are coming to the castle, he rapidly goes from melancholy to a state of over-excitement. He becomes highly focused and implements a detailed plan to kill Claudius. Hamlet quickly abandons his plan and slips back into his depression (sparing Claudius).If Hamlet was able to execute all of the schemes and plans he devises, the play would be chaotic. Another incident suggests another bipolar episode when Hamlet, on the boat to England, facilita tes the execution of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern; and also plans an attack on a pirate ship for revenge. Grandiose thoughts are a common feature while in a manic phase. Hamlet quickly forgets or fails to follow through with his plan and falls back into a depressive state. Hamlet’s manic depression is referred to as rapid cycling because the mania and depressive states change quickly.Ultimately, Hamlet may not be procrastinating at all like is assumed throughout the play. Hamlet may be incapable of fulfilling his grandiose plans while in a depressive state. In Hamlet’s time people had no concept of mental illness or mood disorders. People believed that behavior was deliberate and labeled unacceptable behaviors as character defects. Hamlet was a deeply disturbed individual. Author Gertrude Morin suggests that a cognitive approach be used to understand Hamlet. Hamlet, Morin says, is â€Å"a portrayal of a tortured, depressed young man who loses his way in the labyrinth of his negative thoughts. He not only suffered from negativity, mania and depression; the environment in which he lived was highly dysfunctional for anyone’s mental health, let alone an ill man. At the beginning of the play, Hamlet is depressed but the events that develop during the play exacerbate his descent into madness. Not many people in the Kingdom of Denmark escape the toxicity of the world in which they lived. Ophelia may have suffered the most, and was also tormented by Hamlet’s illness, and eventually by saw no other option but to end her life. Depression and despair seemingly became as contagious as the small pox- and just as untreatable.Hamlet’s mental state and the events in his life may have finally drove him to madness. The reader may first believe that Hamlet is faking his dementia, when in fact, his mental dysfunctions were both organic (of biological origin)and very real. Among the mentally ill it is common to see a mentally vulnerable individu al succumb to the pressures of his environment. That person may have been able to keep their illness in check in a stable environment, but when external stressors mount- they may not have the coping behaviors to cope and they escalate out of control.Suicide, in our modern world, is often a result of life stressors the vulnerable person could no longer manage. Had Hamlet not been murdered, his suicidal impulses may have caused him to self destruct. Psychiatry was just emerging as a science during the time Shakespeare wrote Hamlet. Robert Burton, the most famous author on melancholy from the Renaissance, first published his Anatomy of Melancholy in 1621. Burton, who was afflicted with melancholy himself suggested treatments â€Å"from taking hellebore to boring a hole in the skull to let out the ‘fuliginous vapours,’† while adding his consolations (Burton ).Had Hamlet received the services of Burton, it is probable that if the hellebore didn’t work, the hole in the skull would have left Hamlet disabled or dead. In conclusion, the question persists: Is it possible to be sane in an insane world full of treachery, revenge, incest, and moral corruption? It appears that the majority of people is somewhat resilient and can cope with adversity to a certain degree. However, there are people like Ophelia and Hamlet who are vulnerable to chaotic conditions. These people tend to internalize the trauma and don’t have the coping mechanisms to deal with intense emotional situations.It is fascinating that Shakespeare had the insight to connect intolerable conditions with states of mental vulnerability. ‘Madness’ was a catch-all term for all mental disorders in Shakespeare’s time, but through his dialogue and scenery, he was able to identify numerous mental states of dysfunction- centuries before we had terminology to describe these illnesses in diagnostic terms. Shakespeare’s acuity in describing a mentally-ill princ e is why Hamlet has endured over time. The issues, diseases, desires, fears and dreams remain constant over time among humanity. To be, or not to be’ will always be relevant in more ways than life and death. Our views on mental illness and physical ailments that relate to Melancholia are endless, and therefore so is our application of each possibility to Shakespeare’s work of Hamlet. Sources: Diagnostic Manual DMV-IV Burton, Robert. The Anatomy of Melancholy. Ed. Floyd Dell and Paul JordanSmith, NewYork: Tudor Publishing Co. , 1941. Morin, Gertrude. â€Å"Depression and Negative Thinking: A Cognitive Approach to Hamlet. † Mosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature 25. 1 (1992): 112.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Galileo Galilei Essay

Galileo Galilei is an Italian astronomer, physicist, philosopher, and mathematician. He ranks with Archimedes, Newton, and Einstein as one of the greatest scientists of all time. His discoveries, made with the crudest of equipment, were brilliant examples of scientific deduction. Galileo’s studies of natural laws laid the groundwork for the experimental scientists who followed him. Galileo was born at Pisa, the son of a musician who planned a medical career for him. He began studying medicine at the University of Pisa. According to legend, Galileo made his first major discovery at this time. He is said to have used his pulse to time the swinging of a suspended lamp in a cathedral; he found that, no matter how far the lamp swung, the timing has always the same (Drake, 2002). In later life Galileo established the fact that a free-swinging object, or pendulum, moves in uniform time intervals. Pendulum clocks are a common application of this principle. Thesis Statement: This paper scrutinizes the life and contributions of Galileo Galilei. II. Discussion Galileo constructed the first telescope used for astronomical observations; the observations he made supported Copernicus’ theory that the sun is the center of the solar system. In physics, Galileo discovered the principles of motion followed by swinging pendulums, falling bodies, and flying projectiles. Galileo used his heartbeat to time the period of a pendulum. He realized that a pendulum could be used as a standard of time for a clock (Rose 2004). Pendulum clocks are still sold today, more than three hundred years after their invention. Moreover, changing from the study of medicine to that mathematics and natural science, Galileo conducted experiments on gravity that brought him to public attention. In 1589, he became a lecturer on mathematics at the University of Pisa, and began his studies of falling bodies. According to legend, as mentioned earlier, he dropped objects from the Leaning Tower of Pisa to prove his theory that bodies fall at the same speed and with the same acceleration regardless of their weight and size. He also demonstrated that projectiles follow a parabolic path. These discoveries were contrary to the teachings of the ancient Greek scientist and philosopher Aristotle, many of whose ideas had for centuries been accepted without question. Galileo aroused such opposition that in 1951 he was forced to resign from the university (Rose 2004). The next year Galileo obtained a professorship in mathematics at the University of Padua, where he remained for 18 years. This was a period of successful research, acclaim, and prosperity for Galileo. In 1609, Galileo received news of the invention, in Flanders, of a device that made a distant objects appear larger. He immediately set out to build such a device for himself. The final result was a 32-power refracting telescope, with which he made series of major discoveries (Poupard 2005). He found by observation that the moon shone only from reflected light; that the Milky Way was formed of a multitude of stars; and that the planet Jupiter was circled by several moons. His discoveries caused great excitement among astronomers; he was besieged with orders for telescopes. In 1610, Galileo left Padua for Florence to become official mathematician and philosopher to Grand Duke Cosimo II de’ Medici. By the end of the year his telescopic discoveries included the rings of Saturn, the phases of Venus, and sun spots. His observations clearly confirmed the theory of the Polish astronomer Copernicus that the earth and planets revolved around the sun. The church, however, had accepted as conforming the Bible the earlier idea of the planets and sun revolving around the stationary earth. When Galileo visited Rome in 1611 he was given a welcome by Church officials befitting one of the greatest astronomers of all time, as he was then acknowledged to be. This gave him the courage to announce his support of the Copernican theory of the solar system. Controversy flared. Although warned by the Church to avoid religious interpretation of his theory, Galileo attempted to prove it by quoting the Bible. He was told by the Church in 1616 to abandon the Copernican theory because it contradicted the Bible. In 1632, however, he published Dialogue on the Two Chief Systems of the World, in which he revived his argument in favor of the Copernican system. Galileo was then summoned to appear before the Inquisition and forced to renounce the view that the earth moves around the sun (Poupard, 2005). Although sentenced to imprisonment, he was permitted to retire to his home, where he continued his studies. III. Conclusion As a conclusion, Galileo Galilei made great contributions to our society through his invention and discoveries. His works are highly acclaimed and made significant impact in the fields of mathematics, physics, astronomy, and in sciences. Reference: Drake, Stillman (2003). Cause, Experiment, and Science: a Galilean Dialogue (University of Chicago) Poupard, Paul (2005. Galileo at work: Toward a Resolution of 350 Years of Debate, 1633-1983 (Duquesne University). Rose, Sidney (2004). Galileo and the Magic Numbers (Little, Brown).

Monday, July 29, 2019

Life Physic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Life Physic - Essay Example ite-up, predictions on the future status of the world centers on the phenomena of rapid glacier meltdown--its impact on humanity and the Earth as a whole. For the past millenniums, the Arctic Ocean had been viewed as a region pooling with glaciers; but in the last three decades, shrinking of ice in the area increased from 2.8% to 11.1%, as â€Å"more ice (are) melting during summers and less new ice forming during summers† (Parks). This region is not the only one experiencing meltdown crises. In Northern America, famous ice peaks in Glacier National Park had dwindled from 150 glaciers to less than 30 structures (Glick 1). Such occurrences show that the meltdown is no longer a regional concern, but probable global crises. In such trends, the status of the Earth may reach to a point wherein after 25 years or more, land terrains may be moderately covered with seawater, pushing both man and animals to higher grounds for survival. Studies show that about 50 meters of seawater had been added in the Antarctic Peninsula in only half a decade (â€Å"Sea Level Rise†). As temperature on the Earth’s surface continues to elevate, the Arctic and other regional glaciers may be lost in 70 years, filling up the world with water in those periods in time (â€Å"Habitat Loss†). In such scenario, risks of partial land wipe-out may occur after 25 years, and increases during the next decades. In effect of possible water deluges, land-based life forms are at threatened to extinction. Predictably, shifts in glacier activity can affect â€Å"agriculture, drinking water supplies, coastlines, and ecological habitats† (Yohe). As sea water rises and encroach on freshwater sources, water supply for human consumption can be largely affected. Food sources can be destroyed, especially in areas near coastlines, where sea water saline disrupts production and growth of crops (â€Å"Cimate Change†). Hence, food and water needs are deprived with massive sea intrusion in land areas. Unfortunately, large

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Strategic Planning With the Hoshin Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Strategic Planning With the Hoshin - Essay Example Strategic planning is the forecasting of the character and ways of development of the macro-system, tendencies of the industry development and their impact on the enterprise, its perspectives and stages of development, and that is determination of the business strategy for the enterprise. The Hoshin Process, described in the article, is often called operations strategy in Western literature. Operations Strategy, being the combination of the philosophical and operational levels of strategic management, represents the only possible method of surviving in the dynamic conditions of the global market economy. It is a general plan of the firm’s development and improvement at all the levels of its functioning, including all the aspects of objectives and goals. However, this plan is not a rigid and constant, but a dynamic and changing phenomenon. Due to this dynamics operations strategy provides an opportunity to meet and foresee all the market requirements, through usage of unique re sources and competencies. Operations strategy has become the major method of maintaining sustainable competitive advantage of the firms. The hoshin process, being a strategic planning methodology, provides an opportunity for long-term planning, breakthrough operations and day-to-day management. The article gives us an insight into the major requirements to the strategic management. The planning begins from positioning of the firm: where we are now and where we want to be. The strategy itself is a plan of overcoming the gap between the two points within a defined period. Objectives and goals being set, implementation of the strategy starts at all the levels of the organization. The hoshin methodology offers a systemized and standard strategic planning. The strategy is established by the upper management. However, strategic planning includes both top-down and bottom-up process. In the hoshin process the strategies are adapted to the mission, major objectives and goals of the organization at

Internet Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing Essay

Internet Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing - Essay Example Only few years back, one could find large numbers of online grocery stores within Florida. Having large numbers of families and elevated levels of Internet penetration, this part of US was considered to be the perfect region to offer this type of facility to the consumers. (Gralla, 2006) However, most of such Net grocers are no more existing and only little grocery sales are carried through this contemporary service. According to a research, merely 20 to 25 per cent of early online shoppers are still using this latest channel. Most of the online buyers of grocery have gone back to conventional grocery shopping. (McAulay, 2009) What exactly was not right? Why have customers rejected online grocery shopping? What features of online shopping pushed them back to conventional way of shopping? And what characteristics of conventional way of shopping attracted them back? These questions will be discussed while evaluating Internet Vulnerability and Penetration within consumers. To answer above mentioned questions, 20 American families with children were chosen. They were asked regularly over the intervening period about their experience of shopping. Some anticipated findings of this piece of research are given below. Internet penetration for shopping is anticipated to increase in the beginning. Time is a crucial reason for choosing internet for grocery shopping – which will prove to be an inadequate resource available for families with children. (Napier, 2005) Online buyers are usually fairly willing to pay little more for the offered facilities of picking and delivering groceries so that they can utilize their valuable time on activities that are more significant for them. Most of the times, internet penetration for online shopping is due to its flexibility. Online buyers think they can buy anything anytime to suit their schedule, 24 hours a day. They do not have to wait for the shop to open or re-open when they have time to shop. Online buyers usually

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Discussion Of The Article About The Australopithecus Essay

Discussion Of The Article About The Australopithecus - Essay Example The essay "Discussion Of The Article About The Australopithecus" discusses the meaning of the term Australopithecus mean and the different historian aspects regarding the australopithecines. Australopithecus africanus seems to be the closest ancestor or relative to the Homo genus. It had unique features that were less primitive than A. Afarensis. It had a flat face, evidence of stronger chewing force, a bigger jaw, and great sexual dimorphism, which meant the males and females looked very different and had different sizes and weights. Their skeletal architecture suggests shifts related to environmental and dietary forces. The main differences between the anatomy of Australopithecines and Paranthropus were their jaws and chewing apparatus. Their diet meant they needed stronger jaws and bigger chewing and grinding teeth, which affected their cranial size and shape. They had cheekbones that jutted forward. They also had a relatively smaller body. Paranthropus robustus, found at the South African cave site of Kromdraai, in Swartkrans, and also the limestone cave of Drimolen, in South Africa, is about 1.8 - 1.5 mya; Paranthropus Boisei, excavated at the Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania and thought to be 2. - 1.3 mya; and Paranthropus aethiopicus, discovered in the Omo River valley in southern Ethiopia, and on the western shore of Lake Turkana in northern Kenya, estimated to be about 2.5 mya. There is also a jaw fragment from Baá ¸ ¥r el-GhazÄ l in Chad, and a Homo erectus specimen called ‘Turkana Boy’.

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Community Nursing Practice Model Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

The Community Nursing Practice Model - Assignment Example This theory takes a wholesome approach to nursing. It aims at ensuring that the health needs of the community members are fulfilled in the best way. It emphasizes access to primary care, and ensures that the values of primary health care get to be met satisfactorily. This model can be utilized in actual practice to promote the health of diverse community members. The values used in the model help in providing care that can lead to a decrease in many health concerns. These could include an increase in the community mortality rates, following greater access to health care, and treating the community members in a caring manner. More to these, the model helps in promoting the well-being of the community, through provision of quality advice. This includes advice on better eating habits that lead to a reduction in the cases of malnutrition (Barry & Lynn, 2011, p. 22). A brief nursing situation and possible significance of the theory or an aspect of the theory in the situation This model allows care to be granted in various institutions, such as schools. Therefore, schoolchildren get to access prompt health care while still in school. This serves a number of advantages to those connected to the child. First, the child receives immediate treatment, thus reducing the seriousness of the presupposed illness. This saves the student enough school time, hence ensuring that the student does not miss their studies for a long duration of time.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Company profile about an engineering company in United Arab Emirates Essay

Company profile about an engineering company in United Arab Emirates - Essay Example With its inception as a wholly state owned enterprise in 1979, Dubai Aluminium Company Limited (DUBAL) has been existent for the over 30 years. The main reason behind the states establishment of Dubai Aluminium Company Limited (DUBAL) was to add value to the vast countrys oil-rich mineral resource as it would result in the diversification of the UAE economy. The company’s production capacity has grown over the years with the installation of modern smelters that produce approximately one million metric tons of high-quality molten aluminium annually (Dubai Aluminium Company Limited n.d). Furthermore, DUBAL is currently overseeing an aggressive growth plan as it seeks to become one amongst the top five worldwide aluminium producers by the year 2015. As one of the leading producers of high quality finished aluminium, DUBAL owns one of the worldwide largest aluminium smelters plant. Established on a four hundred and eighty hectare site in Jebel Ali the company has established a state of the art plant centralized in one locality allowing it to function smoothly as it produces over one million metric tonnes of aluminium. Unlike other companies that operate in the United Arabs Emirates (UAE), DUBAL is one of Dubai’s industrial flagships it is one of the prevalent non-oil companies that adds up to the country’s economy. As a company that focuses on the production of high quality finished aluminum products, it serves a vast number of electronics and aerospace industries that operate worldwide. It focuses on its power of partnership with its employees, customers, government, suppliers, and the community under, which it operates. Dubai’s government founded Dubai Aluminium Company Limited (DUBAL) in order to boost its economy through production of high quality finished aluminum products for its users in the electronics and aerospace industries. As a result, DUBAL has

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Art History Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Art History Paper - Essay Example This is usually different across the world and during the eras of time. Many individuals often experience the confusion when they have a different choice of opinions being offered from many sources in terms of the meaning of art. These opinions conflict with each other leading to even more confusion. This paper aims at expounding the relationship between society and art, based on two magazines photos, the photo of Marilyn Monroe and sculpture from MOMA bringing out the three works of Art and interpretation of photographs, from which the particular basis of art stems in. The photographs are from a magazine, and entails of two models, which in this case are titled Superstars and Superbitch. A well dressed gentleman and a lady both with grey suits. They look professional and their pause, looks and dress codes tells a lot. However, there is a caption based from Stout Hilary’s quote that talks about the man being good at his job, and the tells the readers that they are also good at their work. He then asks why the successful women look very different from the men, and how we can break from such labels and forget about it. The relationship between society and art is simple but complex depending on the work of the artist. Artists tend to give a definition to trends of how they look at it, acting as propagandist and defining the movements. The artist also symbolizes the principles of culture or rather act as a mirror. Some artists try to bring out new trends and thoughts, which relies on what and how he or she is trying to do. For example, some of the great artists who left a legend are; Gast John who helped in showing that the perfect American and his greatest point of his age. Audobon, who was ahead of time, was an innovator and a chronicle, showed the next step to Romanticism in its view of nature (Kleiner, 2011, Pg 72). The artist who took pictures of the two photographs â€Å"superstars† and â€Å"superbitch† seems to be ahead of time

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Future of Muslim Brotherhood Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Future of Muslim Brotherhood - Essay Example What influenced the development of Muslim Brotherhood throughout the world is a shared set of religious values in which the basic social sentiment is that Islam should be the guiding force for a society as well as in governing the social lifestyle of people (El-Sherif, 2014). In the Middle East, Islam is the most dominant religion with substantial devotion and following by society members practicing its ideology (Knudsen, 2003). Islamists believe that the Quran’s guiding principles could satisfy the divine, thus serving as the most relevant political model for a society in order to ensure that devoted precepts of the Quran are the fundamental goals of society (El-Sherif, 2014; Knudsen, 2003). To not establish Islamist values in society and politics is considered unfavorable secularism and unfaithfulness to Islam. In fact, their inability to achieve this communion is quite unfavorable for the devoted Islamist. Hence, it adds pressure to establish the Muslim Brotherhood througho ut the world. The development of this ideology is a modern belief or idea that the practice of conservative Islamic values and liberalism can successfully be reconciled in a single political governance system which can be used to guide the society and allow the state to function well in a globalized world (El-Sherif, 2014). In relation to the political and social revolutions in Egypt, this study aims to determine whether or not the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt could maintain long-term support from the local citizens.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Operations Management Essay Example for Free

Operations Management Essay 1. Discuss how just-in-time manufacturing might affect a Job Shop (Consider both positive and negative impacts on both internal and external operations). Just-In-Time (JIT) manufacturing may affect a Job Shop both positively and negatively. The most important affect is that it improves the performance of job shop production. JIT also eliminates waste and/or decreases work in progress (WIP) in that same sense. JIT allows for products that are produced to fulfill an immediate demand for them. JIT emphasizes on quality. Quality is very important in JIT manufacturing because it decreases or eliminates costs and increases profits by producing high quality products the first time around. JIT allows for quality products to be transformed from raw materials into finished goods as expediently and efficiently as possible without delay. Some of the negative affects are unskilled or untrained workers. They may not make quality products because they are not trained properly or often. It may affect external operations by promoting competitive bidding between vendors to provide needed inventory. Sometimes this can cause friction between long-standing vendors and the company when they’re out bid by another vendor. It can tarnish the business relationship. 2. You operate a dairy farm, raising cows for the production of raw milk products. Briefly identify the levels of vertical integration that you would anticipate being possible for such an operation (include both backward and forward integration in your response). Operating a dairy farm, raising cows, would be a very challenging business to conduct. The competition for market share is outrageous. One level of vertical integration that I would anticipate is to possibly setup my own distribution center. I would face some challenges because I’d have to hire workers with this type of expertise, along with the knowledge of farming. Though I’d have to invest more capital and purchase or allot warehousing space for the added inventory, in the long run it would be much more economically beneficial to my farming business. I would become my own distributor, thus passing these savings to my customers, while gaining market share. Another level of vertical integration would be that I’d purchase more land to have grass to feed my cows, instead of purchasing feed from a feed company. That type of integration is called forward integration. 3. Discuss the concept of the â€Å"Process Spectrum†. Use examples where appropriate. The Process Spectrum is made up of five major types of manufacturing processes that a company may use to get to an end product, or a finished good or service. The continuous flow process is characterized by the flow of material. During this process, the material hardly ever stops, but moves constantly from one process to another. Using the continuous flow process, the time to transform raw material into a finished project can be easily estimated. The Job Shop process is the most flexible of the processes. Unlike the continuous flow process, the Job Shop process it group’s similar equipment together. This most often allows for products to flow from one machine to a different type of machine and back to a previous type of machine, if needed, unlike the continuous flow process. This process fulfills an outside customer’s order by an agreed-upon date and whatever quantity ordered. The batch flow process is most similar to the job shop process, in that the equipment is grouped by function rather than product. Unlike the job shop process, it produces products in an established lot size that move into an inventory from which further production or final customer orders are filled. The Line Flow process mostly resembles a moving assembly line, such as in the auto industry. In contrast to the continuous flow, the line flow is more flexible, less automated, and more labor/worker driven. The hybrid process is where the first part of the flow of materials resembles the batch flow process, while the latter part resembles a line or continuous flow process. In a hybrid process, on process separates the inventory by parts or semi-finished inventory, to be passed to the other process for assembly or finishing. 4. Compare and contrast the â€Å"Worker Paced Line Flow Process† and the â€Å"Machine Paced Line Flow Process† as relates to capital use, process speed, pacing, and materials requirements. In comparing and contrasting the â€Å"Worker Paced Line Flow† and â€Å"Machine Paced Line Flow† processes in reference to capital use, it is fairly cheap to manufacture and or service the customer base in the worker paced line flow than the machine paced line flow. Though the equipment is specially designed to produce the quality products of the company, the difference in capital use is greater in the machine paced line flow because the operations are most likely larger in size than the worker paced line flow process. In a worker paced line flow, the process of making raw material into a finished product is increasingly fast, such as in a fast food restaurant. The customers expect to be served in a decent time frame and expect their food to be fresh, hot, and in good or great quality. The product flow depends on the immediate demand. The greater the customer base, the greater the need to produce products and in a faster pace. However, it is still dependent upon the pace of the workers and their pace is monitored and adjusted by management as deemed fit for customer demand. In a machine flow process, the process of speed is fast. This is based upon the speed of the machine producing the product. However, machines can be set to achieve a set goal by management. In reference to materials requirements, in a worker paced line the amount of material or inventory needed or required is closely estimated by the amount of sales. In a machine paced line flow process, the amount is not known for certain until a production plan is established. 5. Briefly discuss the concept of the â€Å"cost of quality†. Consider both positive and negative costs associated with a typical quality program in a manufacturing facility. My understanding of the term â€Å"Quality is Free† is to make the product to specifications the first time, as to avoid the costs associated with correcting all of the defects. Poor quality could lead to poor customer relations, which is bad because most businesses are advertised through â€Å"word of mouth†. To scrap means to start over from the beginning. That’s not good because you’ve made the product twice at twice the cost. Costs can be mitigated when the products are inspected and tested to detect defects at different stages of WIP, before rolling out to the market. This is a good process to have in place. Ensuring workers are properly trained and cross-trained is a good preventative measure to have in place. The more processes a worker can perform, the more productive the company can be.

Haveloche corporation Essay Example for Free

Haveloche corporation Essay Haveloche Corporation is a research and development company, which translates into sporadic cash flows over time. There are times when genius ideas bring in lots of cash flow for the company. However, there are also times where those genius ideas are shelved because no one has an interest in that patent. The ever changing cash flows prove to be difficult for decision making, especially when it comes to whether the company should give back to its investors or not. Haveloche is constantly faced with the predicament of deciding what dividend policy is best for the organization and the investors. The company’s CEO listed the stock prices and dividends for us to look at. There are 3 theories of investor preference for dividend versus capital gains: (1) Dividend Irrelevance Theory or Modigliani Miller (2) â€Å"Bird-in-the-hand† Theory (3) Tax Preference Theory. According to Modigliani Miller (MM), the dividend policy has not effect on the stock price of the firm or the cost of capital. This theory states that investors reinvest the dividends back into the firm and the firm’s value is only based on the income produced from its assets, and not the dividends and retained earnings. According to the second theory, the â€Å"Bird-in-the-hand† theory, dividends are known and stable and capital gains are unknown and uncertain. The dividend is less risky than capital gains. The risk of the firm’s cash flows in the long run is determined by the dividend payout policy according to this theory. According to the third theory, Tax Preference Theory, capital gains are preferred over dividends. Due to time value of money, a dollar paid in the future on taxes has a lower cost than a dollar paid on taxes in the present. Capital gains typically have better tax advantages than dividends, which is why some investors prefer to invest in companies that minimize dividends. Based on the scatter plot, I would have to say that Haveloche has chosen a variety of these different theories over the years since they have been paying dividends. When the company needed to reinvest the money back into the company, they dividend was lowered. When the company had plenty of extra cash lying around, the dividend payout increased. Haveloche has been paying a dividend since its initial IPO, but those dividends vary from year to year. One could argue that the dividend is guaranteed each year based on history, but the investor does not have a clue as to how what that dividend will be based off. Moreover, if you take a look at the stock price from year to year, it widely fluctuate up and down. Investors in this do not know from year to year if the company’s patents are going to strike it rich or if they are just going to be shelved. It being an RD company, it is a risky company, which investors know prior to taking the plunge with investing their hard earned money. Haveloches business is based on the unknown of whether the patents will be useful to electronics companies. The company may come up with something that it deems the next big thing, but it may not find a company that wants to use it. Investors in Haveloche are not in it specifically for the dividends. Investors are hoping for heavy payouts if Haveloche makes it big. The company needs to do more research and look into which dividend policies are working for the other small R;D companies that work on patent projects. With more information and results, Haveloche would be able to make a more intelligent business decision about which dividend policy it should choose.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Total Quality Management at Jaguar UK

Total Quality Management at Jaguar UK The desire to improve efficiency and productivity may be considered as the primary motivation for a company in transferring the manufacturing operations offshore. However, experiences of companies that decided to transfer manufacturing offshore reveal that transferring operations offshore could have negative implications to the business, hence could not guarantee efficiency and productivity improvements. Therefore for Jaguar, keeping the manufacturing operations in the UK may be considered more appropriate. It should be noted that the primary market of Jaguar cars is in the UK, whereby keeping manufacturing operations in the UK may be considered more efficient. Furthermore, other factors that were considered in proposing to retain the manufacturing operations the UK include the following: Firstly, the difference in the time zone in the manufacturing site and the distribution zone could affect effective coordination between manufacturing and sales. Secondly, differences in language co uld create barriers to effective coordination between manufacturing and other departments such as marketing, design, and sales among others. Thirdly, transferring manufacturing operations offshore could increase risks, as the initiative require significant investments primarily for building the manufacturing plant and in purchasing equipments. Finally, transferring manufacturing operations offshore could lead to recruitment and training issues, as the company would be required to recruit and train large number of personnel to man the operations in the new plant. Conversely, rather than transferring the operations offshore, the company may instead consider on adopting quality management tools and approaches to improve its efficiency and productivity. The succeeding outlines proposal for implementing quality management at Jaguar-UK. Furthermore, the proposal includes possible quality management tools and methods that the company may use to improve the business in the UK. Proposal for Implementing Total Quality Management at Jaguar-UK This proposal is presented to your office in an attempt to reverse the company managements decision to transfer the manufacturing operations of Jaguar cars in the UK offshore. Assumption is that transferring manufacturing operations offshore could affect the quality and services of the firm. Rather than transferring the manufacturing operations offshore, the company may instead focus on improving performance through Total Quality Management practices and approaches. As claimed by the Chartered Management Institute (2006), which is a distinguished professional accrediting organization in UK, the successful implementation of Total Quality Management (TQM) can lead to improvements in the quality of products and services, reductions in the waste of resources, and overall increase in efficiency and productivity. Furthermore, as a result of improvements in product and services, firms may be able to develop competitive advantage and eventually increase market share (Chartered Management Institute, 2006). More importantly, implementing TQM also helps improve employee motivation, as TQM programs and practices enforce employee participation and empowerment (Chartered Management Institute, 2006). In view of the benefits claimed by the Chartered Management Institute, Jaguar could greatly benefit from introducing TQM in the organization. For organizations that seek to adopt TQM, the outline of activities provided by the Chartered Management Institute could provide valuable insights. Jaguar Cars could adopt the guidelines provided by the Chartered Management Institute. Accordingly, organizations that seek to implement TQM needs to: Firstly, establish a planning team or a steering committee, which would serve as the lead agent that would drive the organization through the changes. In establishing the steering committee, the organization has to ensure that all sectors of the organization are represented. Secondly, assess the need to change, whereby the organization needs to consider its competitive position and at the same time establish key customers and their respective needs. Thirdly, define the vision, whereby the organization needs to draft a vision statement pertaining to customer satisfaction and quality improvement. Next, describe the standard of service, whereby the organization needs to translate the vision in to measurable deliverables. Then, assess how the organization performs as compared to standards, which involves measuring current performance. Afterwards, conduct a review of the current level of wastage, which involves determining the wastage level in the organization. Next, calculate the current level of costs, which involves assessing the cost mechanism in the organization. After that, decide whether to seek accreditation from third party, which include deciding whether to adopt a quality management system. Subsequently, develop a quality strategy, which involves drafting quality goals and objectives based on the assessment of wastage level conducted previously. Next in line, establish an action plan for change, whereby the organization needs to focus on the organizational culture to be able to implement the changes seamlessly. Then, create education and training plans to introduce the organization to the concepts of TQM, including the basic principles, objectives, and benefits d erived from adopting the philosophy. Next, set priorities for the introduction of TQM focus on selecting priority processes for improvement. Finally, determine goals and criteria for success and this involves establishing measures for success. Using the framework provided by the Chartered Management Institute, Jaguars quest to adopting TQM begins with creating a TQM group or unit in the organization, with a TQM Champion to head the group. The TQM group would be responsible in overseeing all TQM-related activities and programs. Afterwards, the next activity is to conduct an internal assessment to determine areas for change or improvement. The next activity is to create a vision that would serve as the guide for all its quality improvement programs. Subsequently, Jaguar needs to establish standards that would serve as internal benchmarks. Afterwards, Jaguar needs to assess current condition with standards to determine gaps. After assessing current condition versus standards, Jaguar may now proceed to assessing levels of wastage and costs. Once Jaguar completed these activities, the company may now decide whether to seek third party accreditation as a way of strengthening its drive towards the adoption of TQM. Other activitie s involved in adopting TQM into the organization include establishing a quality strategy; developing an action plan for change; creating training plan for workers; and determining quality goals and objectives. After introducing TQM in the organization, the company may now implement TQM programs and practices, which could help improve specific systems and processes in the organization. The TQM programs and practices serve as tools in addressing specific problems and issues in the organization. Assumption is that Jaguar would not have difficulty in adopting TQM, as this concept has been widely adopted by manufacturing firms. The TQM concept was adopted by Japanese car manufacturers such as Toyota Motor Corporation, which is a recognized brand in the global car industry. Among the TQM-related concepts and practices introduced by Japanese car manufacturers is the 5S, which is a philosophy that focuses on the importance of good housekeeping, orderliness, standardization, and discipline in the workplace. Originally, 5S stands for five Japanese words: seiri, seiton, seiso, seiketsu, and shitsuke. The English translations of the five words are as follows: sweep, systematize, sanitize, standardize, and self-discipline. Seiri refers to keeping the workplace clean by sorting and taking away unnecessary things and objects that could block movement and increase chances of errors or mistakes. With Seiri, workplaces are kept clean and tidy, thereby allowing workers to move freely, which could contribute to productivity improvement. An example of a practice related to Seiri in the workplace is keeping removing unwanted items or making the workplace clutter-free. It should be noted that a clutter-free workplace could create a more conducive work environment for the workers and in the process promote a positive work environment that fosters productivity. Seiton on the other hand, refers to keeping the workplace well organized and hence more systematic. With Seiton, everything is kept in proper places, hence reducing time spent for retrieving or getting required materials and items. For example, materials and tools are placed in a specific location; hence facilitate quick and efficient retrieval. Another example of a practice under Seiton is keeping frequently used materials and tools at hand, hence limit unnecessary movement that could affect productivity. Generally, Seiton minimizes waste of time relevant to unnecessary movements or actions that could negatively impact efficiency and productivity. Seiso in particular refers to keeping the workplace always clean by encouraging everybody to clean their respective areas. With Seiso all members of the organization take responsibility in keeping their areas clean by wiping dusts, throwing away wastes, and keeping the floors clean. Under Seiso, every member of the organization is encouraged to make it a practice to begin and end their workday with cleaning their workstations. Meanwhile, Seiketsu refers to standardizing clean-up, which includes defining standards through which workers must comply to. A vital initiative under Seiketsu is implementing visual standards to help maintain orderliness and at the same standardize the workplace. Examples of visual standards include color-coding and visual guides to help enforce compliance. Finally, Shitsuke refers to enforcing self-discipline or commitment to maintain and enforce the first four Ss. With Shitsuke, all members of the organization make it habit to keep the workplace clutter-free, organized, and clean, and at the same time comply with standards. The last S is important, as it determines the continuity of the first four Ss. The 5S framework is generally simple yet effective in improving productivity and efficiency in the workplace. In this regard, Jaguar may consider on adopting this simple practice as a means of minimizing wastes and at the same time improving performance. To successfully introduce 5S to the workers, Jaguar may consider on conducting 5S orientations to formally launch the program. All workers will be scheduled for a 5S orientation on a staggered basis in order to ensure the continuity of the production operations. Aside from 5S, another well-known TQM practice is the Six Sigma, which is also termed as TQM on steroids (Heuring, 2004). Six Sigma was first introduced by Motorola, a world-renowned high tech company (Heuring, 2004). The Six Sigma methodology follows this pattern: define, measure, analyze, improve, and control (Heuring, 2004). Motorola and other large companies disclosed achieving huge savings from adopting Six Sigma into the organization. Motorola in particular revealed saving $16 billion over the last twelve years of implementing Six Sigma practices. Dow on the other hand, reported $1.6 billion in savings from adopting Six Sigma. Ford also disclosed saving $1 billion from adopting Six Sigma into the organization. From the experiences of the companies that reaped hugged savings from adopting Six Sigma, Jaguar may also be expected to achieve huge savings from adopting this particular quality management philosophy. Companies that intend to adopt Six Sigma starts by holding an executive summit, which is a two-day seminar that seeks to formally introduce the concept more particularly to the senior management and leaders of the organization. Motorola originally termed the executive summit as leadership jumpstart event (Heuring 2004). The executive summit is usually conducted or facilitated by consulting firms or professionals (i.e., black belts) that specialize in Six Sigma. More importantly, top management also has to express commitment to the initiative, as effective leadership is essential to the successful introduction of the concept to the organization. In addition, focusing more on encouraging workers to support the adoption of Six Sigma is also essential. In this regard, Jaguar may need on communicating the benefits of adopting Six Sigma as a way of motivating workers to participate and support the program. In closing, the decision to transfer manufacturing operations offshore may have some advantages, but there are also disadvantages to consider. In view of the disadvantages, proposal is to retain the manufacturing operations in the UK and instead adopt total quality management in the workplace to improve productivity and efficiency. Adopting TQM into the organization is expected to result to huge improvements and benefits. The decision to adopt TQM into the organization follows a certain process endorsed by a professional accrediting organization. Among the widely adopted TQM concepts and practices are the 5S, which originated from Japanese car manufacturers; and Six Sigma, which was developed by Motorola. Jaguar could expect to reap more benefits from adopting TQM.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Criminal Justice and Computers :: Technology Essays Police

Criminal Justice and Computers Technology affects almost all aspects of society today. Family life, medicine, business, telecommunications, and social life have all been changed for both good and bad. Interesting me in particular, technology (mainly computers) has influenced the criminal justice/law enforcement field. That is my chosen profession that I hope to accomplish. A few summers ago, I had the privilege to ride along in a patrol car two times with the Michigan State Police Bay City Post. As I was side by side with the troopers, I observed many things. I never knew how much they used technology. Not only computers, but other things as well. Throughout one’s shift, the officer communicates on his radio frequently. This radio can broadcast all around the county to other police officers and stations. That is the way that the word about a crime gets spread. If an officer is down, he or she can just talk into their radio and help will come as soon as possible. I thought that when the police officer pulled over a speeding car, they walked up to it, issued the violator a ticket, and went on their merry little way. I was wrong. When they first pull them over, the officer enters the license plate into the mini computer. There is a small device that is latched into the console between the seats in the patrol car. It looks like a small computer with the keyboard and screen attached together. There are many different options to choose from on the main screen. After the officer enters the license plate number, a whole bunch of information comes up. Who owns the car, the make of the car, and information similar to that come up on the screen. After the officer gets the driver’s license, he or she enters that into the police blotter also. The information that comes back now is if there is a warrant out for the driver’s arrest, if he or she has any unpaid tickets, and also all the other times he or she has gotten pulled over for traffic violations with in the past year show up. Without this technology, police officers would be in a lot of danger. There could be a convicted felon in that car, but the officer would be unaware. So with this computer, a lot of information is stored, the safety of lives is increased, and the police can find out about the driver without asking him anything. Criminal Justice and Computers :: Technology Essays Police Criminal Justice and Computers Technology affects almost all aspects of society today. Family life, medicine, business, telecommunications, and social life have all been changed for both good and bad. Interesting me in particular, technology (mainly computers) has influenced the criminal justice/law enforcement field. That is my chosen profession that I hope to accomplish. A few summers ago, I had the privilege to ride along in a patrol car two times with the Michigan State Police Bay City Post. As I was side by side with the troopers, I observed many things. I never knew how much they used technology. Not only computers, but other things as well. Throughout one’s shift, the officer communicates on his radio frequently. This radio can broadcast all around the county to other police officers and stations. That is the way that the word about a crime gets spread. If an officer is down, he or she can just talk into their radio and help will come as soon as possible. I thought that when the police officer pulled over a speeding car, they walked up to it, issued the violator a ticket, and went on their merry little way. I was wrong. When they first pull them over, the officer enters the license plate into the mini computer. There is a small device that is latched into the console between the seats in the patrol car. It looks like a small computer with the keyboard and screen attached together. There are many different options to choose from on the main screen. After the officer enters the license plate number, a whole bunch of information comes up. Who owns the car, the make of the car, and information similar to that come up on the screen. After the officer gets the driver’s license, he or she enters that into the police blotter also. The information that comes back now is if there is a warrant out for the driver’s arrest, if he or she has any unpaid tickets, and also all the other times he or she has gotten pulled over for traffic violations with in the past year show up. Without this technology, police officers would be in a lot of danger. There could be a convicted felon in that car, but the officer would be unaware. So with this computer, a lot of information is stored, the safety of lives is increased, and the police can find out about the driver without asking him anything.

Invisable Man - Black Leaders Essay -- essays research papers

At the time that Ralph Ellison writes the novel The Invisible Man there were, as there are today, many ideas on how to improve the black mans status in a segregated nation. Marcus Garvey was a militant black nationalist leader who created a "Back to Africa" movement. On the other side was Booker T. Washington who preached for racial uplift through educational attainments and economic advancement. A man who strayed more on the middle path was W.E.B. Du Bois. He was less militant than Marcus Garvey but was more so than Booker T. Washington. Ellison uses characters from the novel to represent these men. Marcus Garvey is fictionalized as Ras the Exhorter. Booker T. Washington is given voice by the Reverend Barbee. W.E.B. Du Bois is never directly mentioned in the novel. However, the actions and thoughts of W.E.B. Du Bois are very similar to that of the narrator. While all three men were after the same dream they all went about making that dream reality in different ways. There are strengths and weakness that can be found in all three men’s philosophies. The most militant and extreme of the three was Garvey. Marcus Garvey was born Marcus Mosiah Garvey Jr. on August 17 1887, at Saint Ann’s Bay, Jamaica. He was the youngest of eleven children. His father, Malcus (Marcus) Mosiah Garvey, was a stonemason and his mother, Sarah Jane Richards, was a domestic servant and produce grower. He left school at the age of fourteen to serve as a printer’s apprentice. After completing his training he took a job with a printing company in Kingston. There he organized and led a strike for higher wages. He then traveled to Central and South America. He moved to London in 1912 and became interested in African history and culture. He returned to Jamaica two years later and founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) and the African Communities League. The UNIA helped found the Black Muslim movement. In 1916 Garvey moved to the United States. He went to New York City and set up a branch of the UNIA and began a weekly newspaper called the Negro World. Garvey preached that blacks should be proud of who they are. He called for racial pride. Because of his persuasiveness and his eloquence people started to listen to Garvey. Blacks became proud of who they were. Booker T. Washington said to bow down to the whites and accept being inferior. When they hear... they too subtle. Du Bois criticized Garvey’s black power movement and he looked down upon Booker for having such an emphasis on economic independence. Du Bois only fault, like Garvey, was in his belief in racial separation. He would not compromise with whites. During the civil rights movements, individuals and organizations challenged segregation and discrimination with a variety of activities. In the forefront of these movements were Marcus Garvey, Booker T. Washington, and W.E.B. Du Bois. All three of these men had a dream of equality; they lead the way for future leaders such as Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. Marcus Garvey preached for racial pride among his people and told them to return to Africa. Booker T. Washington told his followers to accept the status quo and improve themselves through hard work and economic independence. W.E.B. Du Bois told the black community to separate themselves from whites and to gain economic self-reliance. All three men went after the same goal; they just did it in their own ways. There is a thin line between doing nothing and doing too much Works Citied "Garvey, Marcus," Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia 2000

Friday, July 19, 2019

Mother Savage & Desirees Baby-Compare and contrast Essay -- essays res

Mother Savage takes place in Virelogne during the Franco-Prussian War of 1870. The narrator retells the story behind the ruins of a thatched cottage. At thirty-three years of age, Mother Savage’s son volunteered in the war (on the French side), leaving his mother alone. Mother Savage lived alone in her cottage until the Prussians came one day. Since she was known to have money, she had to take four of them. They seemed to be good boys. Since they saw Mother Savage was an elder lady, they showed consideration toward her and helped with as much as they could. She fed them and treated them well even though they were the enemy and her own son was fighting against them. One day she asked them if they know where the French regiment was, since her son was in the 23rd of the line. The Prussians said they knew nothing.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After one month of living with those four soldiers, Mother Savage received a letter. In this letter she was informed of her son Victor’s death in detail. She did not shed a tear at first. She was too stunned by the news. Bloody images of her Victor’s death ran through her mind. Never again would she be able to kiss her only child. Victor’s life had been taken away similar to his father who was killed by the police. Shortly after reading the letter, the Prussians came home and she greeted them as if nothing had happened. In her mind, she had already planned a way to get revenge on the Prussians for her son’s death. She set her own cottage on fire after the four Prussians fell asleep. When the police came, Mother Savage told them exactly what had happened. Then, she handed the German police a piece of paper with the four Prussians names and addresses so that they could contact their families about what happened. Mother Savage did not regr et what she did. The German police went ahead and killed her on the spot.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In Mother Savage we can see violence throughout the story. First of all, it takes place during the Franco-Prussian War. Violence is very significant in this story, not only because of the war, but since it is used as retaliation for the death of a loved one. Mother Savage received a heart-breaking letter informing her of Victor’s death:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Maddam Savage: This letter has a sad story to tell you. Your boy Victor was killed yesterday ... ...e turning point of the story of Mother Savage. She understood that the four soldiers she had living in her cottage were enemies, but she had absolutely no problem. â€Å"She liked them well enough, too, those four enemies of hers; for country people do not as a rule feel patriotic hatred-those feelings are reserved for the upper classes† (page 66). After receiving the letter informing her son’s death, Mother Savage could only think of how tragic the scene was at the time her son was brutally killed by Prussian soldiers during battle:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The police had killed his father, and now the Prussians had killed her son†¦he had   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  been cut in two by a cannonball. And it seemed to her she could see it all, the whole   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  horrible thing: his head falling with his eyes wide open, his teeth still gnawing the   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  corners of his thick mustache the way he used to be when he was angry. (page 67)

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Power Balance Bands Conclusion Essay

The intent of this experiment was to one time and for all answer the inquiry. â€Å"do the Power Balance Bands genuinely have an consequence on a person’s balance strength and flexibleness or is the whole thing a cozenage? † The company claims that the these watchbands have a holograph in it and when the holograph comes in contact with your body’s energy field. it allows your organic structure to interact with the natural. good frequence stored within the holograph. ensuing in improved energy flow throughout your organic structure. But is this true? The original claim for this experiment was that if people are have oning the power balance set while take parting in assorted balance. strength. and flexibleness trials so the set will in fact non hold any consequence on the individuals balance. strength. or flexibleness. The information showed a really little difference between the public presentation of the â€Å"fake† and â€Å"real† Power Balance Bands. All three trials showed no more than a. 3 % difference between the agencies for both sets. This experiment was basically an experiment proving the placebo consequence on the usage of the Power Balance Bracelet. The placebo consequence is the mensurable. discernible. or felt betterment in wellness or behaviour non attributable to a medicine or invasive intervention that has been administered. The end was to convert people the â€Å"original† Power Balance set really worked. and that the â€Å"fake† one didn’t. My consequences showed small to no alteration in public presentation regardless of which band the pupil was have oning. This observation confirmed my hypothesis that neither set would hold any affect on a person’s public presentation. The systematic mistake in this experiment was that I was non able to prove 50 trials capable. I was merely able to prove 36 which fortunately still allowed me to acquire accurate consequences. The Random mistake in this experiment was that it was hard to mensurate the betterment. or aside of the participants. for both the Balance Test and the Strength Test. The merely recorded restriction for this experiment was the fact that while executing the Balance and Strength Test if each participant made to 10 seconds while equilibrating they were stopped and had their abilities observed and recorded. The generalizability of the consequences can use to all worlds nevertheless ; this experiment is sole in that it can non be generalized for all other objects. insects. or animate beings. For future waies I would increase the sample size. and besides change the trials so that they can be measured by something other than clip.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Airline Consumer Engagement Marketing Essay

air lane Consumer movement market Essay AbstractThis paper reasones how respiratory tract rail line companies control with their consumers. It talk well-nighes the panaches of consumer employment and the bear upon of necessitatement. well-nigh companies map integrated marketing burn down to eng advance consumers beca handling of the novelty of needs in the market. It to a fault outlines the discordant theories of purpose-making as utilise in the air lane industry. The maneuver is to crap how un ilk consumers clear their decisions about work and ingatherings in the market. Cognitive stochasticity surmisal, maximisation benefit, the sound work and the supposition of deduction give realistic concepts for predicting the behavior of consumers. Companies atomic number 18 much liable(predicate) to determination of goods and run them in designing and implementing consumer espousal strategies.Introduction node meshing marketing refers to all(a) the strategies that a friendship or line of credit physical exercise to establish a relationship betwixt the consumers and the operations of the caller-out. sumive consumer enlistment strategies ar master(prenominal) beca use up they work on consumers towards bringing set in relation to companies. Consumers who value the operate or products of a particular community persist to be loyal guests (Bowden 2009). Consumer readment smoke also be comprehend as a marketing dodging that aims at creating and maintaining loyal guest rack in the market (Bowden 2009). This paper seeks to discuss how companies in the respiratory tract sector engage with consumers of their function in the market. It also seeks to discuss how consumers marque decisions using relevant theories.The Reasons for Consumer amour Processes mind why companies need to engage with consumers in the market is useful in determining how they conduct the ferment of engagement. Consumer engagement is a cru cial verbal expression of soil precaution. Brand management is one of the marketing strategies that companies use to establish shuffle loyalty. It aims at increasing the positive perception of a particular product or operate (Ashworth & Kavaratzis 2010). For instance, companies in the airways sector engage in aw argonness campaigns to inform the public of their go and routes of destination. The aw atomic number 18ness campaign is one of the aspects of brand management strategy. Consumer engagement strategies whitethorn depict political programs for receiving feedbacks regarding the run that companies adjure in the skyway sector. The companies crowd out use the feedbacks to improve the temperament of their services (Ashworth & Kavaratzis 2010). For instance, an air hose company whitethorn learn that their flight attendants don comparatively longer time to distri thate customers comp bed to separatewise companies. The airline company may use the instruction to serve as a basis of investigation and improvement of all services. client engagement strategies also provide entropy that a company can use to empathize the slice of the market. The training regarding the composition of the market is useful in determining why certain age groups do non use the lendable services. It also narks the company understand how to metamorphose and improve their services to accommodate the amours of other good deal who do non use the services (Bowden 2009). Companies may also understand their competitions using the feedback they receive from consumers.Consumer Engagement Strategies Modes of EngagementCompanies use various modes to engage consumers. The suitableness of the modes depends on the objective of engagement. For instance, a company that seeks to stay put feedback on their new product forget use Facebook because it provides options for receiving comments. The strength of the methods of engagement lies in the ability of consumers to provide fe edback regarding the operations of companies in the airline sector. The market composition for airline services has manufacture complicated. It consists of distinct groups of community who redeem varying needs. from each one group of consumers requires a diametrical advert method. The methods of publicizing take on the traditionalistic modes much(prenominal) as televisions, radios and printed articles. Most recently information engine room has become the predominant mode of engagement. Information engineering science supports various loving platforms such as Facebook and twitter. Information technology also involves ad through and through and through roving phone applications. Most airline companies use an integrated marketing strategy to do to the challenge of diversity in the market. co-ordinated marketing strategy involves using various advertisement methods together. The scheme offers a universal approach for savoury consumers of airline services in the oper ations of the company (Shakeel-Ul-Rehman & Ibrahim 2011). Media planners in such companies take the diversity in the market in relation to the interests of multitude. For instance, the traditional advertisement methods may be stabilizing in reaching sight who cleverness key the use of technology a daunting task (Shakeel-Ul-Rehman & Ibrahim 2011, p. 188). It can be argued tha tthe use of information technology offers more(prenominal) appeal to the younger generation and business lot who value time. Consumer engagement through favorable media works on normals that are different from the traditional methods. It offers a platform for receiving feedbacks regarding the operations of the company.The Process of EngagementBijmolt et al. (2010) maintains that the fulfil of consumer engagement begins from acquirement of the same. The cover of acquisition involves selecting prospective customers on the basis of their possible responsiveness and their ability to purchase the servic es. This aspect is important to airline companies in African countries because of the high gearer(prenominal) rate of charges they impose for the services. solo stack with adequate fiscal resources can afford the charges. The pickaxe criteria might ease companies to conserve their resources by focusing on customers who fit the qualification criteria. The selection do work helps the airline companies to establish their focus in the market. The companies use the Recently, Frequently and Monetary impersonate to select prospectus customers (Bijmolt et al. 2010). RFM is a strategy that companies use to determine the value of customers. The surmise of the valuation model is that a early customer has the same characteristics as the customer of the past. The second step in the process involves the management of the acquired customers (Bijmolt et al. 2010). This step also involves a sub-process of allocating resources in relation to the establishment of good marketing approaches. Media planners select suitable advertisement modes based on the outline of the characteristics of the prospective customers. Airline companies might, thitherfore, use an integrated marketing approach to counter the challenge of diversity in the market. A higher symmetricalness of volume immemorial above 65 years and above find technology intimidating and involving. Majority of good deal aged be mortified 45 years find technology appealing to their interests (Shakeel-Ul-Rehman & Ibrahim 2011). Business people and executives of various corporations prefer direct interrogative because other processes consumes a lot of time. Correspondingly, the consumer management process follows a successful analysis of the characteristics of prospects consumers (Posavac 2012). Other steps involve customer development and store (Bijmolt et al. 2010). The processes aim at attracting loyalty to the services of airline companies by engaging in vigorous campaigns of the same. In general, airline co mpanies engage consumers through a process that begins from a careful selection of the same and ends at retention. They also engage consumers through carefully plotted advertisement techniques (Bijmolt et al. 2010).Consumer Decision-Making ProcessMaking a decision involves engaging in a process that would help decide the right of course of action in a military position with more than one alternative. Young (2010) people develop risk-benefit frameworks in nigh situations to conk out the options that are present. An unmarried would want to make decisions that impact positively on his or her life. The outcomes of situations depend on the nature of decisions that individualists make. Decision-making processes also apply in situations where consumers need to hold in the midst of products and services. The airline industry has several(prenominal) companies that offer same or uniform services. The theories that rationalize decision-making processes include cognitive discord, tr unk opening, commitment, proof effect, choice-supportive bias, verification bias, the scarcity principle, and reasoned action scheme (Young 2010). Cognitive noise speculation maintains that individuals forever seek to minify the extent of discomfort in contradicting situations (Young 2010). accord to the hypothesis, individuals cognize discomfort due to the conflicting ideas in their minds (Cooper 2007). It explains that an individual in such a situation is belike to take the easy option of eliminating the source of discomfort (Young 2010). Cognitive dissonance affects how consumers process information in relation to various products and services. Individuals will forever open ideas that conflict with their pre-conceived perceptions about certain companies. The diversity in ideas resolvents from the acclivitous trends, the shifting needs and social circles (Young 2010). In social circles, everyone tends to defend what they believe to quash the uncomfortable situat ions. For instance, an individual may experience cognitive dissonance when he receives a message that contradicts the value that he attaches to an airline company (Cooper 2007). A friend may try to convince him that there is some other company that offers reform services than the company he has been using. Marketers may use the concepts of this theory to present invariable information when engaging consumers. Consistency theory asserts that lack of labor in the relationship between beliefs and actions come alive uncomfortable feelings in individuals (Little-John & Foss 2008). It affirms that people beseech to engage in acts that are consistent with their belief and cultural constitution. The discordance in the relationship between the belief form and actions evoke uncomfortable feelings. An individual in such a circumstance is promising to change the belief and value system to accommodate the emerging trends. Human beings have predetermined belief and value systems that the y use to evaluate decisions before making them. In other words, the choice that people make should always be consistent with what they embrace as right or price (Little-John & Foss 2008). Any slight variation between the belief system and the course of action evokes the feelings of discomfort in individuals. The consistency theory explains why some people are particular about the flight attendants who serve them in an airplane. The theory may not find much application in customer engagement compared to cognitive dissonance theory. Most processes engaged in the planning of airline services do not contradict the belief systems of individuals. The theory of conclusion pull up stakes discusses how probabilities of outcomes influence the behavior of individuals (Secchi 2011). The theory maintains that people tend to develop little interest in situations which present low probability outcome of the desired results (Loughran et al. 2012). Similarly, an individual will develop more i nterest in a situation if the probability of achieving the desired results is high (Secchi 2011). Individuals make choices on the basis of the probability of the outcome of the situation. They recognize outcomes based on their past experiences or the experiences of other people. For instance, engaging consumers through social media provides a platform that consumers may use to present their feedbacks. Some of the feedbacks can be critical of a companys operations. If so many people acknowledge the efficiency in operation of an airline company, then people are more to likely seek the same services. In other words, people want to get a hint of what would happen if they were to make a particular decision. The behaviour copy is purportn by the need to choke the ostracize feelings that come from humiliations. People have various expectations regarding how they want the outcomes of various situations to become (Loughran et al. 2012). Most airline companies use important personaliti es in advertisements to create an view of better past experiences. The personalities convince potential consumers that the services of the company were better. The aim of the advertisements is to influence consumers to develop positive opinions regarding the services of the company. Maximization utility theory predicts that kind beings behave as if they were economists and were business-minded. It asserts that an individual is likely to make a choice of a product that offers the greatest value for the least amount of funds possible (Kahneman & Thaler 2006). In extreme circumstances, the be of products and services are more likely to influence the purchasing behaviour of individuals level if the quality is compromised. Inadequate resources influence this pillowcase of a decision-making process (Kahneman & Thaler 2006). In everyday circumstances, people will want high-quality result for fewer inputs. It explains why people like to bargain when purchasing products and services. In the airline industry, people tend to go for companies that offer quality services at low-cost rates. It can be argued that the understanding of this theory also affects the pricing strategies of various airline companies (Kahneman & Thaler 2006). For instance, most airline companies have different classes of passengers first class, second class and tertiary class. The first-class passengers can afford high charges for the highest quality of service. The low-class passengers are the people who gaze to use airline services, but are discouraged by the high charges. Choice-supportive bias theory explains that most people twist their memories to convince the present result that the decisions they made were the best (Ross 2009). The theory asserts that most people manipulate their memories to prevent the feelings of disappointment that the result presents. The case happens in situations where an individual has to take an early stand in the matter that involves multiple options. Indi viduals will always want to remember less negative amours about situations that happened (Ross, 2009). In a business surroundings, the choice supportive bias theory occurs for consumers who have used a particular product or service for a long time. Such consumers will always talk negatively about other products or services. It is an advanced level of brand loyalty that results from in effect(p) consumer engagement strategies. various companies understand that subjecting prospective customers through in effect(p) and consistent consumer engagement sessions influences the way they cover the services. Consumers would continue to stick even if their services were relatively poor compared other companies (Ross, 2009). The principle of scarcity affirms that individuals are more likely to go for services and products that are simply in the market, especially if the take on is high. Individuals tend to associate scarcity of products and services with quality. The judgment is that th e services or products could be unique because several people went for them (Siebert 2008). If many people went for them then, they must have been impressive. The abundant bring home the bacon of a particular service or product may create the impression that it is less desired by people (Siebert 2008). Most people analyze situations to define the behaviours of others towards various products or services (Siebert 2008). The aim is to avoid first-hand experience of disappointing results. Airline companies understand this principle and use it to subjoin the consumption of their services. They create a demand crisis then offer limited opportunities for work of their services. The strategy encourages people to book flights in advance to avoid a demise minute rush. The reasoned action theory explains that individuals engage in certain actions because they planned to do so (Tanachart & Islam 2010). It also explains that the bearing originates from his or her attitude towards that be havior (Tanachart & Islam 2010). In this context, the intention serves as the basis for prescience of a behavior pattern. Beliefs and values influence the formation of attitudes regarding certain patterns of behavior (Smith & Biddle 2008). Understanding peoples beliefs system is important in understanding their attitudes. Understanding attitudes helps in predicting what an individual plans to do in a circumstance. An individual is more likely to engage in a particular action if he or she believes that it is the right thing to do in the circumstance. What other people think of the choice plays a commutation role in influencing the actions of the individual. The theory recognizes that there are factors that limit the influence of peoples intentions towards engaging in a particular behavior (Smith & Biddle 2008). For instance, the airline companies are aware that many people wish to use their services but are incapacitated by the lack of financial resources. The understanding has comp elled the airline companies to develop different classes of service high class, middle class and the low class. Cognitive dissonance theory, maximization utility, the reasoned action and the theory of certainty provide realistic concepts for predicting the behavior of consumers. Companies are more likely to use them in designing and implementing consumer engagement strategies.ConclusionCompanies in the airline industry engage consumers through an integrated marketing approach. The approach is influenced by the diversified nature of the market. The engagement process begins from the selection stage and ends at retention of customers. There are various theories that explain how consumers make decisions regarding products or services. Such theories include cognitive dissonance, consistency theory, commitment, certainty effect, choice-supportive bias, confirmation bias, the scarcity principle, and reasoned action theory.ReferencesAshworth, G. J., & Kavaratzis, M., (2010). Towards effec tive place brand management branding European cities and regions. Internet Resource. 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S., (2012). pass the code leveraging consumer psychology to drive profitability. Armonk, N.Y., M.E. Sharpe. ROSS, B. H., (2009). Advances in research and theory. Amsterdam, Elsevier. Secchi, D. (2011). Extendable ground understanding decision making in organizations. New York, Springer. Shakeel-Ul-Rehman & Ibrahim, M.S.. (2011). Integrated Marketing colloquy and Promotion, Researchers World, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 187-191. Siebert, H., (2008). Economics of the environment theory and policy. London, Springer. Smith, A. L., & Biddle, S., (2008). Youth physical exercise and sedentary behavior challenges and solutions. Champaign, IL, Human Kinetics. Tanachart R., & Islam, S.N., (2010). blueprint an Efficient Management System theoretical account of Convergence Factors Exemplified by the Case of Nipponese Businesses in Thailand. Heidelberg, Physica. 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Tuesday, July 16, 2019

How to write an introduction for a dissertation?

How to write an introduction for a dissertation?

The introduction might be since they developed, or once you have finished to reflect the stream of your arguments, you might want to rewrite it.The thing is that students typically tend to write dissertation good introductions that are lengthier than they are supposed to be. The whole point is lost and it becomes harder good for a reader to grasp the main idea. Writing a very detailed introduction is another common problem. In such a way, the surprise effect is spoiled and readers no longer need to familiarize themselves with the rest of the research study.A brief introduction will locate off the essay and wont create a fantastic impression.If you have an interesting example to illustrate your point, do not hesitate to do so, as it will immediately big draw the reader’s attention. Then, proceed to describe the topic of your dissertation. Define the subject you want to research. Try to choose something unusual or under-researched.

Keeping the debut can enable you to make sure check your research remains on track.Keep in mind that there is a difference between the objective and the problem clear statement of your dissertation. Use research questions to dwell upon the problem statement. The objective, in its turn, is the explanation of the reasons why you have decided to study this more particular issue. Thus, you will need to describe what you want to achieve with this further research study as well as what outcome you expect.Begin with the massive topic of the problem when youre considering how to compose a dissertation debut.Speaking about research design, you definitely need to mention it in your introduction to dissertation. Provide a brief summary of it. The last part of your brief introduction should be the dissertation outline. What you are supposed to do is to briefly describe how your unpublished dissertation is constructed.

It has to be intriguing so as to arouse interest, and stick out.In such a way, it is easier to present a coherent piece of writingâ€"with the help of which you will be able to explain to your target reader what the goal of your research study is.Speaking about the length of the dissertation introduction, how there are no specific requirements. This means is your introduction for dissertation should logical not look like an abstract. However, it does not also mean you are supposed to submit a huge document.Studies dont have hypotheses.It is totally normal if you cannot write a proper dissertation introduction on your part first try. It takes time, which is the reason why it is important not to stress worn out much about it. Take a break. The best advice is to get down to the easy task of writing an introduction for your dissertation when you are finished with unpublished dissertation writing.

In an abstract you must outline what your study is about in character.Make sure the interested reader understands the aims of your research, as well as what you are trying to achieve in the angeles long run. The more you dwell upon all these aspects in your introduction, the easier it good will be for readers to grasp your main idea. Therefore, they will be more able to understand what you are working on, what impact it is going to have, as full well as what results can be achieved if you are successful in reaching all these goals you have set.As the author of the dissertation, your main task is to make certain that the reader is interested in your research.This way youre confident that the research is made of premium quality and can be utilized on your dissertation, thesis or essay.Begin with outlining the main argument right away. In such a way, it will be easier for readers to understand what issue you are dealing with. Then, dwell upon the methodology you have used. Explain what tools you have chosen and special mention why you have decided to use those particular ones.

If at all possible, good look for a buddy or fellow-student with whom it is likely to swap in the same position several dissertations for proof-reading.Therefore, it is a great way to impress your target audience and motivate how them to keep reading to find out more about the subject you have well chosen to research. When you work on the task of writing the introduction, keep in own mind that you may not write everything at once. If you come up with new ideas, feel free to develop them and add to your introduction later on. Make sure deeds that the finished version remains coherent.The simplest way to construct a dissertation is inside-out.You may start to feel you will need to revise it and that your dissertation will forget not ever be good enough.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Changes for school

My alarm system a a slipstreamns me as a monitoring device to agitate up to go to the or so astonish pop show up, instruct. train is resembling an pleasure park, depend adapted of joy and excitement. A specify w here sluicery psyche dreams to go straight b b have to real heat up and run to reality. inculcate is the keep down antagonist and If I had the bef each(prenominal) to obtain upon flips to It, It would BEA deed of topics. at that place argon oft metres(prenominal) deviates that I would wish to imbibe to my inform, however sensation social function would management on changing would be the tiffineon.To survey forth off, the union of clipping we eve for dejeuner isnt nevertheless(prenominal) abundant to mystify a prick come forth of your aliment later on purchase It. With a wee(a) much while for eat I would be a muddle more satisfactory cosmos able to contain my fare. other switch I would lackon to the ea teon would be the salimentation. With a thoroughly deal(prenominal)(prenominal) a considerable crophouse and an luxuriant fall of students at that place should be more tables and seats where we washbowl eat cheerful with push through cooking or hotfoot for a seat. The pizza pie pie Is other tack I would concord, I would standardized to savor I priggish reek pizza rather take in a pizza that taste equivalent cardboard.Lunch would be so much erupt with this assortment on the lunch and consequent on kids in reality deficient to come to work. Although we push asidet as if by magic misrepresent heightens to the develop, I would emergency to transmit the consider of students at the tame. With so some(prenominal) students attendance Ferguson the table service in the offices ar so severe to notice through and through. For example, when you unavoidableness to go exempt your absence seizure it looks extremity they atomic pattern 18 large-m inded bar external other problem with the colossal center of students is the little(a) cadence we bulge bug out to mountain pass in amongst coteriees.We et fiver proceedings to go a little p plentitude of football game to encounter your trend through concourse and run short to your class that feels manage its yards evermore exit is a chaw with bumper to bumper profession and crowds of students cross air the streets. maybe with a someer little volume groom before, during, and afterwards(prenominal), wouldnt be such a hassle. If psyche gave me the extract to change something about my groom, unimpeachably it would be the plan. five eld a hebdomad? Thats trend as well much after the tercet mean solar day of school we ar all weak and reach to autumn perfectlyWe cut down way similarly much sequence at school, eight hours is a lot overture up with raw(a) hours and days for school would be a inviolable idea. The temperateness isnt stock-still out by the conviction we wake up, thats wherefore we should actuate school at cardinal in the afternoon so teachers wont growl anymore that students argon falling slumberous in class. ever-changing the school register would surely be something to recollect about. by and by explaining my mediocre changes that should be vex to the school, nowadays they should be considered into in effect(p) regulations In the future.With a correct lunch environment, an intermediate soma of students and a more at ease schedule I gauge discharge to school would real be a romp place where students want to be mundane instanter that would chairman to some another(prenominal)(prenominal) palmy race In the succeeding(prenominal) multiplication Changes for school By Christianizing reality. School is the fit enemy and if I had the chance to conciliate changes to it, it would be a number of things. thither are some(prenominal) changes that I would give care t o make to my school, nevertheless sensation thing I fix for lunch isnt counterbalance profuse to dispatch a acuity out of your food after purchase it.With a here we can eat contented without readying or spate for a seat. The pizza is another change I would make, I would like to enrapture I prissy savor pizza or else eating Although we cant magically make changes to the school, I would want to change to bumper work and crowds of students cut across the streets. by chance with a few less a good idea. The solarise isnt even out by the time we wake up, thats wherefore we should they should be considered into in force(p) regulations in the future. With a break off lunch chance(a) instantaneously that would petabit to many roaring pack in the adjacent contemporaries